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COVID-19 cases are rapidly increasing around the world. The virus is already having a detrimental impact on the global economy and the effects on the shipping industry could be far-reaching. In this special section, the Lloyd's List team of expert analysts guide you through what it means for global trade, shipping and maritime, with daily updates.




Covid mask in the containers yard
Pandemic’s lost economic growth hit box volumes

Before the pandemic container volumes still grew at a higher rate than global GDP. Since then the GDP multiplier has dipped to just 0.14, indicating little growth to come

SXSW festival, Austin
Chubb ordered to indemnify SXSW for festival's Covid cancellation
Appeals court rejects argument policy exclusions excused Chubb unit from defending or covering ticketholder complaint
Covid-19 closed
Legal Focus: Reinsureds win in Covid-19 BI aggregation cases
High Court affirms support for a broad approach to aggregation and coverage for Covid-19 losses at a reinsurance level
Covid-19 closed sign
US appeals court dismisses 14 Covid BI claims against Travelers

Three-judge panel affirms previous denial of the claims, finding the policies’ virus exclusion ‘clearly and unambiguously’ barred plaintiffs’ loss claims







Can carriers contain a coronavirus cash crisis?

While the impact of the coronavirus pandemic will be felt across the industry, some will be better able than others to ride out the storm

Asia Pacific Europe Containers



