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Shipping Finance

Shipping finance is grappling with the big question of what is pragmatic and achievable as opposed to idealistic but over-ambitious when it comes to climate goals. Those at the top are struggling to maintain a vision, while the squeezed middle is happy to pay for availability and focus on the immediate markets.


Rhetoric vs reality: Shipping finance approaches an inflection point

Shipping finance is grappling with the big question of what is pragmatic and achievable as opposed to idealistic but over-ambitious when it comes to climate goals. Those at the top are struggling to maintain a vision, while the squeezed middle is happy to pay for availability and focus on the immediate markets

International Finance Environment

Green goes mainstream in shipping finance

Eleven out of 23 ship finance portfolios of Poseidon Principles signatories were aligned with the IMO's maritime decarbonisation targets, according to its latest report

Finance Environment International

Fintech aims to reboot lending to shipowners

“We don’t believe old-fashioned ship finance can continue in the long run. We saw the banks pulling back and tried to find something new and different,” argues a veteran shipping banker turned fintech founder

Finance Sale and Purchase International
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Banks make a cautious comeback in ship finance

Ted Petropoulos reviews the state of global ship finance and finds that a long-awaited recovery in bank lending to the industry in 2021 is already showing signs of stalling in 2022

Finance Market Insight Market Outlooks

Chinese ship leasing struggles to weather anti-graft storm

Heaped compliance pressure, restrictions on using shipbrokers and concerns over further regulatory scrutiny could all slow business but lessors are said to remain active and keen to change the perception of them being out of the game. Their strategic importance to China’s shipbuilding industry will help keep them safe from any long-term impact from Beijing’s regulatory heavy-handedness

Finance Asia Pacific China
