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Greece 2022

Posidonia, which traditionally welcomes the shipping world to converge on Athens biennially for a mixture of partying, transacting and exchanging views, is back in 2022 after a gap of four years. Yet Greek shipping, which is the underlying source of interest for Posidonia-goers, never went away. Collectively, Greek shipowners are not only an important factor in the national economy; for decades, they have also provided the backbone of the European fleet. This Lloyd’s List special report looks at the enduring strength of shipping in Greece, as well as its changing face, with women very much to the fore.


Greece 2022: First among equals — UGS president Melina Travlos

Europe’s decarbonisation agenda, coupled with the outbreak of war in Ukraine, on top of an already heavy workload have ensured Melina Travlos has had her hands full in her first months as president of the Union of Greek Shipowners. Speaking to Lloyd’s List, she explains how she sees her mission

Greece People Political and Trade

Greece 2022: Fleet size reaches record as owners bulk up

Risk-taking and resilience are ingrained in the character of the Greek shipping industry after two centuries of successfully confronting turmoil

Greece Sale and Purchase Ship operations

Greece 2022: Domestic shipowners account for 10% of global shipbuilding orderbook

Greek owners appear to be cautious in ordering new tonnage at current high pricing levels; recent new orders have been concluded with the assurance of long-term charter employment from blue-chip companies

Greece Shipbuilding Sale and Purchase

Greece 2022: Port calls fall for first time in five years

Piraeus remains the busiest port, but vessel activity has been on a decline for several years

Greece Ports and Logistics Containers

Greece 2022: Stepping on the gas with new terminal projects

As a long-planned FSRU project gets under way in the port of Alexandroupolis, further floating terminal plans are ramping up

Greece Tankers and Gas Energy

Greece 2022: Fuelling fears for ferry sector recovery

An explosion in fuel costs has delivered a cruel kick to a sector that was just about staggering back on to its feet in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic

Greece Passenger Roro
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Greece 2022: Posidonia is back as physical fairs win over digital events

Greece’s major maritime event, returning after a pandemic-induced gap, is used to reflecting global industry trends but also the strength of the national shipping community

Greece Posidonia Events

Greece 2022: Women with their hands on the helm

For Greek women in shipping, as steeped in the industry as their male compatriots, diversification is likely to be as high on the agenda as diversity

Greece Political and Trade Environment

Greece 2022: Pournara-Bardavillia on leading the way for Greek women in shipowning

For a decade, the Bouboulina Shipping founder was a trailblazer for Greek women in shipowning

Greece Containers Dry Bulk

Greece 2022: ‘You have to persevere to prosper,’ says Euroseas founder Aristides Pittas

Euroseas and EuroDry founder Aristides Pittas can look back on generations of family involvement in the industry and yet he continues to be amazed by the swings in fortune that are unique to shipping

Greece Dry Bulk Containers

Greece 2022: Bank finance for shipping stages a modest recovery

With few financial failures, Greek shipping offers attractive opportunities for ship financiers and competition for clients is often intense

Greece Finance Sale and Purchase

Greece 2022: Owners see fleet capitalise on global opportunities

Greek shipping responds to global economic needs and lately that has meant a slowdown in Asia. However, port calls in Europe are up, including increased calls in Russia, even prior to the war in Ukraine

Greece Tankers and Gas Dry Bulk

Greece 2022: Shining a spotlight on domestic achievement

After a successful ‘virtual’ event in 2020, the Greek Shipping Awards made a welcome return to an in-person format at the end of last year

Greece Lloyds List Awards Events

Greece 2022: Environmental initiative Helmepa turns 40

This year marks the completion of four decades since shipowner George P. Livanos led the Greek shipping community in an innovative environmental effort

Greece Environment Safety
