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Transparency in shipping

From the sweeping twin tectonic shifts of digitalisation and decarbonisation to the forensic concerns of sanctions compliance and financial governance — the opening up of shipping is the singular issue at the heart of the industry’s future

Shipping’s future requires 20/20 vision

Transparency creates an opportunity to improve the efficiency of shipping via digitalisation and decarbonisation. But those projects alone do not create value — the next phase of shipping’s evolution requires innovation and new business models to drive value and that could be truly revolutionary

Digital Disruption Technology Fuels

Shipping’s transparency revolution

Global trade efficiency relies on it, shipping’s decarbonisation transition demands it and both financial and security regulators are monitoring it — the maritime sector’s future is focused on issues of transparency at every level

Finance Technology and Innovation Regulation

From scrapping to sanctions-busting

Vintage tankers sold to cash buyers for scrap are reborn in sanctioned trades, shipping Iranian crude to China via a network of subterfuge tankers

Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa Tankers and Gas

Ask the Analyst: The data sharing paradox

The key to unlocking the maritime transparency treasure chest is access to comprehensive data. What do you do if parts of the data key are removed or locked away?

Market Insight Sanctions Risk Management

Transparency vital for charterers’ low-carbon shift

The drive towards transparency of emissions data from shipowners is a journey that still has a long way to go before it becomes a reality. The Sea Cargo Charter is a start, but just 19 companies have signed up so far

Special Report Digitalisation International

EU database shows higher emissions than initially reported

The landmark database continues to change, resulting in a significant increase in recorded shipping emissions for 2019 and raising familiar questions about its reliability and future use as the bedrock of EU emissions regulations

EU Environment Political and Trade

Why ESG must go much further than climate change issues

ESG is part of a growing interest in corporate transparency and stakeholders’ expectations are evolving quickly. Although voluntary approaches do not seem to be changing perceptions, mandatory laws will likely follow

International Environment Risk Management
