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Mike Wackett

Latest From Mike Wackett

Data Hub: World Fleet Update, September 2013

Third Triple-E received, while laid-up fleet is set to grow and breakers see younger ships

Containers International

Shippers, forwarders — speak now or forever hold your peace

Sentiment survey seeks full and frank exchange of views

Containers Europe

World Fleet Update – August 2013

Flood of containership newbuildings continues, but scrapping is stymied by falling rates

Containers Europe

Are bunker prices set to rise?

Carriers welcome lower fuel costs in the quarter but unrest in the Middle East is making everyone nervous

Containers Bunkers

SAECS merges Mediterranean service with north Europe

Fleet of eight 4,000 teu-4,700 teu ships on the SAECS service will be upgraded

Containers Middle East and Africa

Rain halts play at London Gateway

London Container Terminal’s Angela Black steals the show with a confident business pitch

Containers LISW
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