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Lloyd’s List Webinar: How to digitalise shipping

The Future of Shipping series will gather industry leaders, policymakers, investors, financiers and sector experts to offer a unique programme of informed analysis and intelligent debate that will build over the year into an industry playbook for a sustainable and profitable future

The first in a series of Future of Shipping live events gathers industry leaders to discuss a more hard-headed approach to the digital revolution. Register for free to attend on March 17 at 9am London / 5pm Singapore time

THE pandemic has fuelled shipping’s digitalisation acceleration, but progress has not been uniform and the industry is dividing into the connected ‘haves’ and the analogue ‘have nots’. 

The buzzwords and bluster of recent years are finally giving way to tangible investment in platforms, app and connectivity that are revealing the full extent of cost efficiencies and competitive advantage now possible.

Not all digital investments are equal. There will be winners and losers in the digital revolution.

Those looking beyond the immediate wins of operational efficiency aspire to create value beyond the vessels and new business models.

Those aspiring to lead the way are racing to improve productivity, but also create new revenue streams via smart platforms, integrated in their customers’ supply chains.

Those that don’t move forward risk being overtaken by more agile, tech-savvy competitors.

Those that do risk expensive, unproven projects in an era where technology is outpacing most businesses cases.

Disruptive technology is a given — connected platforms, cloud-based services, mobile devices and apps, sensors and other Internet of Things technologies, augmented reality, autonomous transportation, blockchain technology, and big data... they are all finding maritime applications with degrees of success.

But the bigger challenge is not in the hardware or software - to be truly effective, stakeholders have to do more than simply adopt these technologies on their own.

Instead, they must embrace platforms and services that make it easier for stakeholders to work together to promote the efficiency of the overall ecosystem.

Through a series of on demand expert interviews, reports and a live-streamed panel discussion with industry leaders answering questions and sharing insights, Lloyd’s List will explore the digital success stories enhancing industry efficiency and gather intelligence on the blockers and pitfalls giving rise to shipping digital white elephants.

Over the course of 2021 Lloyd’s List will host a series of live digital events, on-demand content and special reports examining the various tipping points and dynamics that will shape the future of global maritime sector and many of the changes that must now happen.

The Future of Shipping series will gather industry leaders, policy-makers, investors, financiers and sector experts to offer a unique programme of informed analysis and intelligent debate that will build over the year into an industry playbook for a sustainable and profitable future.

The first webinar in our Future of Shipping series discusses the dynamics at play in digitalisation of the maritime sector.

You can register for free to attend on March 17 at 9am London / 5pm Singapore time by clicking on the banner below

How to Digitalise Shipping

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