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Asia Pacific forums focus on digitalisation in shipping and the economy

Register now for the Lloyd’s List Asia Pacific Outlook & Technology Forum

China, the main engine of economic growth in the Asia Pacific region in recent times, faces challenges such as the uncertainty around its relationship with the US and the potential for reduced trade in the post-coronavirus era

THESE shifts could reshape shipping markets in the region during the coming years in unexpected ways, including the possibility of two almost independent production and consumption systems that fall outside traditional patterns and established rules.

Later this month, Lloyd’s List will gather leading experts to discuss some of the biggest topics affecting shipping in the Asia Pacific region.

The Asia Pacific Technology Forum on Wednesday, October 14, titled ‘Merging the best of human and artificial intelligence’, will assess how the shipping industry can make better use of data and embrace new technologies as well as how to find the right balance between human and digital intelligence.

With the disruptions caused by the pandemic coupled with other factors such as new global emissions regulations coming into force, the adoption of new digital systems to drive further efficiency gains, cost cutting and regulatory compliance are not just matters related to competitive advantage but a game of survival in many cases.

The panelists for this forum, who will explore how APAC maritime players are fitting in with this transformative process to safeguard and energise their future, are:

  • Dr. Toshiro Arima, Head of Digital Transformation Centre, ClassNK

  • Capt. Rajesh Unni, Founder & CEO, Synergy Marine

  • Mr. Benjamin Hadfield, General Sales Manager, CyberLogitec

  • Mr. Keng Hoe Toh, Business Development Manager, Inmarsat

Outlook Forum

On Thursday, October 15, the attention will turn to market matters with the Asia Pacific Outlook Forum.

Lloyd’s List and market experts will aim to answer the most pressing questions on China's economic forecasts, what the new normal is in terms of global trade, the impact of the crew change crisis on vessel operations, and how shipping companies can adapt to pandemic-led disruptions.

Helping attendees to navigate through the uncertainty will be:

  • Ms. Nora Lin, Head of Logistics Products and Digital Innovation, Maersk Greater China

  • Mr. Tom Rogers, Head of Macro Consulting, Asia, Oxford Economics

  • Mr. Vikas Grewal, Business Development Director, Fleet Management

Both events are free to register. For more information and to book your place, follow this link.

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