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Maritime Safety

The number of ship casualties and incidents have steadied in recent years, but now is not the time for the maritime industry to take its eye off the ball. The global pandemic has revealed the shortcomings of the industry’s safety culture and, as shipping shifts to a zero-carbon future, the safety risks will only increase.

Counting the cost of Covid-19

Ship casualties and incidents are at an all-time low, but now is not the time for the maritime industry to take its eye off the ball. The global pandemic has revealed the shortcomings of the industry’s safety culture and, as shipping shifts to a zero-carbon future, the safety risks will only increase

Safety Ship operations Regulation

Working Together in Safety: The key to shipping’s future success

A host of industry bodies have signed up to the safety coalition, including the International Chamber of Shipping, BIMCO, OCIMF, Intertanko, Intercargo, Interferry, Cruise Liners International and the World Shipping Council, in addition to many of the world’s major shipping companies

Safety Crewing Regulation

Casualties seen steadying over the past five years

Casualties have flatlined in recent years, however, numbers through the first eight months of 2021 suggest a slight rise could be expected for the year

Safety Casualty Insurance

Burning questions remain over fire safety

The frequency of large boxship fires has fallen recently  —  but the risks remain and any one of the smaller incidents is a narrowly missed large fire

Containers Safety Casualty

Technological shift challenging the shipping safety paradigm

Øystein Goksøyr of DNV takes a look at what measures are in place and what more needs to be implemented

Safety Technology and Innovation Casualty
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Regulating safe shipping is about to get harder

Shipping has come a long way from the safety horror stories of decades past. Yet future fuels, the advent of mega ships, and even the present pandemic throw up challenges that will be hard to regulate

Safety Regulation Casualty

Covid takes human toll in casualty data

Port entry denials and quarantine periods caused significant delays and costs for shipowners as seafarers tested positive in hundreds of cases

Safety Crewing Casualty

Training at the heart of decarbonisation's safety success

Enhancing training and education will be vital in the likely scenario of multiple fuels being developed and adopted to meet shipping's low-carbon future, each with their own safety-related characteristics

Safety Crewing Fuels
