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Nusrat Ghani MP

Latest From Nusrat Ghani MP

‘Out of sight, out of mind’ approach to crews has to end

While efforts have been made by international maritime groups to help facilitate crew changes, it has become apparent that seafarers are the victims of a lack of leadership and co-ordination on a global scale, says the UK’s former shipping minister

International Europe

Nusrat Ghani: ‘Maritime is the lifeblood of our economy — we are committed to supporting it’

In an exclusive opinion column for Lloyd’s List, UK shipping minister Nusrat Ghani hails the maritime industry as the lifeblood of global trade and pledges Brexit support for the sector ahead of London International Shipping Week

United Kingdom Brexit

UK shipping emissions plan is an era-defining moment

The Clean Maritime Plan will be the UK’s route map to clean growth for the maritime sector and pathway to zero-emission shipping

Europe United Kingdom

Brexit is shipping industry’s ‘next big challenge’, says minister

The government has made good progress on the Withdrawal Agreement and on the scope and structure of the future relationship — including transport — and remains confident of a positive conclusion

Brexit Political and Trade

UK’s clean maritime revolution starts voyage

Experts on clean shipping are meeting this week to plot the route to zero emissions for the UK maritime sector

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