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Neil Atkinson

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Iran’s oil comeback — disruptive in the short term, vital for the long term

Ending of nuclear-related sanctions could bring reassurance that rising global energy demand will be met

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Opec springs a surprise by abandoning production ceiling — and waits for Iran

Oil prices to stay low as non-Opec countries fail in bid to lower production ceiling

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No end in sight to Opec’s pain

A 'lower for longer' oil price may be good news for consumers in 2016 but for tanker owners it means less scope for producers to increase exports

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Despite persistent conflicts, Iraq exerts power over VLCC sector

But the world’s third largest crude exporter may fail to reach full potential due to Isis and sectarian strife

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Opec looks poised for market share victory

Costly patience may be rewarded as worst of the oil price slump seems to be over

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The oil price, rate of demand, the country of origin and a lifting of the US oil ban may well play a role in future oil tanker movements

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