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Printed By


Mark Fuechec

US East Coast Correspondent

US East Coast

Mark Fuechec is Lloyd’s List’s Boston-based US east coast correspondent. He contributes to Lloyd’s List’s coverage of daily developments across a number of shipping industry beats with a focus on the east coast and US Gulf.


Prior to joining Lloyd’s List, Mark has covered the news out of the Boston area and the energy industry in emerging markets.

Mark received his undergraduate degree in political science from Texas State University and a masters degree in international relations from Bogazici University in Istanbul.


Mark has also published academic work on economic reform in the Middle East Gulf.

Latest From Mark Fuechec

Pioneer Marine remains profitable despite weak rates

Pioneer Marine boasts a $3.7m profit for the first six months of the year

International Dry Bulk

DP World criticises Djibouti’s appeal to nullify court-ordered payment

Djibouti was ordered to compensate DP World following last year’s nationalisation of the Doraleh Container Terminal

Middle East and Africa Djibouti

Teekay Offshore cuts second-quarter losses

Revenue stayed the same, but losses were significantly less than for the same period last year

International Teekay firms

EIA: lower transport costs, narrow price spread will make Europe the ‘preferred destination’ for US LNG exports

US LNG exports to Europe have outpaced exports destined for Asia so far this year

North America United States

Eagle Bulk sees second quarter of the year net loss due to weak rates

Company realised a $6m net loss with average rates down 15% year on year

North America United States

Borr Drilling launches US IPO

Borr hopes to raise up to $50m from the flotation of 5m common shares

North America United States
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