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Colin Lamb

Latest From Colin Lamb

APEX Tanker/Crude Oil Watch - w/c/ July 27, 2015

Starting with Libya and again little has happened since last weeks’ “watch”. Libya’s oil industry effectively remains at a standstill with only three further export shipments recorded by Lloyd’s List Intelligence (LLI), bringing the July total todate to 13.

Tankers and Gas Libya

APEX Tanker/Crude Oil Watch - w/c July 20, 2015

Starting with Libya and little has happened since last weeks’ “watch”. Libya’s oil industry effectively remains at a standstill with only three further export shipments recorded by Lloyd’s List Intelligence (LLI), bringing the July total todate to 10.

Tankers and Gas Libya

APEX Tanker/Crude Oil Watch - w/c July 13, 2015

Starting with Libya and July shows no significant improvement for crude exports. Lloyd’s List Intelligence(LLI) data shows that the Official Government continue to be restricted to exporting almost totally out of Tobruk and the unofficial Government has only managed two export shipments thus far, with oil flows to Zueitina Terminal remaining blocked.

Tankers and Gas Libya

APEX Tanker/Crude Oil Watch - w/c 6 July 2015

Starting with Libya and although there is one more loading to add to the June total from last week, the overall total for the month of just 12 shipments and it is the second lowest of 2015. However, July has already seen three shipments depart, two of 130,000 tonnes, so perhaps there is a little more cause for optimism this month.

Tankers and Gas Libya

APEX Tanker/Crude Oil Watch - w/c 29 June 2015

A shorter round-up this week, due to time constraints as we do our monthly analysis of the Panamax fleet.

Tankers and Gas Libya

Libya’s oil shipments struggling again in June

Current rate of exports point to a return to lows seen at the start of 2015

Tankers and Gas Libya
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