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Printed By


Antonella Teodoro

Antonella Teodoro is a transport economist who specialises in the quantitative analysis of the global container shipping industry including trade data and forecasting and container shipping cost and revenue modelling. A strong analyst and a chartered accountant who is used to working in an international environment, she worked as a business consultant in Italy before joining MDS Transmodal.

Ms Teodoro is a Senior Consultant at MDS Transmodal, working for public and private sector clients around the world on projects focused on container shipping, global trade and ports financial modelling. As MDS Transmodal’s specialist on container shipping, she produces MDS Transmodal’s regular white papers on the container shipping industry.

Latest From Antonella Teodoro

Changing lanes: Longer voyages and extra port calls help carriers limit capacity influx

As a steady flow of newbuildings on the water drove supply growth above demand last year, container shipping lines looked to long-haul deployment and port rationalisation to limit the impact

Containers Market Insight

Changing lanes: Is liner shipping heading towards overcapacity?

Forecasts indicate that the influx of fresh tonnage in the short to medium term will result in vessel supply outstripping demand. Such a scenario will require carriers to rely on many mechanisms to limit the impact of excess capacity

Containers Ship operations

Changing lanes: Growing independence as alliances evolve

While key box carriers have continued to enhance their respective fleets, there is an increasing tendency to go it alone and operate networks more independently rather than boost alliance co-operation

Containers Ship operations

Changing lanes: UK box growth lags European neighbours post-Brexit

While trade with the EU has risen steadily, volumes in and out of the UK are down on pre-Brexit levels

Europe United Kingdom

Deepsea box fledglings cut capacity following rate rot

New entrants seeking to capitalise on the lucrative container shipping boom of the past couple of years are beginning to cut back on service offerings in response to the lacklustre spot market

International Asia Pacific

Changing lanes: New entrants do little to level boxship playing field

Despite a flurry of new carriers and operators on the trunk liner trades the established alliances have maintained their dominant market share

Asia Pacific Europe
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