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The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Dissecting the EU's climate offensive on shipping

Listen to the latest edition of the Lloyd’s List’s weekly podcast — your free weekly briefing on the stories shaping shipping

In the first of this two-part special edition of the Lloyd's List Podcast, our sustainability editor Anastassios Adamopoulos spoke at length with Faig Abbasov of the Brussels-based NGO Transport and Environment and Sotiris Raptis, of the European Community Shipowners’ Association, on the European Commission’s new environmental proposals for shipping


IT is looking like a new day for shipping's climate trajectory.

The European Commission put forward last week a landmark legislative package to enable the EU to achieve its climate targets, making international shipping a new and very strong feature.

Shipping emissions, fuels, ports and bunker taxes are all very much targets of this new offensive, meaning that Brussels could be the epicenter shipping regulations and climate policy at least for the next two years as EU governments and the European Parliament deliberate and decide the final details.

In this two-part special edition of the Lloyd's List podcast, we spoke with two people deeply involved the negotiations for shipping's position in this package and who could often find themselves on opposite sides of this argument.

Faig Abbasov of the Brussels-based NGO Transport and Environment and Sotiris Raptis, of the European Community Shipowners' Association sat down with sustainability editor Anastassios Adamopoulos for a thorough discussion on how this package will affect shipping, what the Commission has gotten right and what needs to change.

You can listen to the second part of this two part special edition next Friday

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