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The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Why the EU won’t wait for IMO on climate change

Listen to the latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s weekly podcast — your weekly briefing on the stories shaping shipping

We have a climate emergency, we can’t wait for the IMO, claims Jutta Paulus, the European Parliament’s maritime emissions rapporteur. This week’s Podcast catches up with the controversial MEP in Brussels to discuss her sweeping proposal. It would effectively force ships to operate under an emissions cap and trade system, increase their carbon intensity performance and contribute to a European maritime decarbonisation fund. “If you wait for consensus, you’ll never get anywhere,'' she says. ``We need ambitious influencers.”

“WE’RE never going to get anywhere if you are trying to convince the last climate denier — we have to lead,” argues the European Parliament’s maritime emissions rapporteur, Greens MEP Jutta Paulus, in this week’s Lloyd’s List Podcast.

That’s not a view shared widely among the shipping lobby groups which have argued unilateral measures at EU level risk totally derailing the real progress now being made at the International Maritime Organization.

In this week’s podcast, Lloyd’s List reporter Anastassios Adamopoulos sits down with Ms Paulus in Brussels to discuss her proposal, her view of progress inside the IMO and why it is the EU’s duty to lead and accelerate shipping’s decarbonisation progress.

Enjoy the podcast and don’t forget, you can now subscribe to the Lloyd’s List Podcast via iTunes and Spotify, as well as most other podcast providers. And make sure you are registered for a free account on Lloydslist.com so you can receive our Daily Briefing e-mail.

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