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Lloyd’s List to break new ground during London International Shipping Week

A special daily edition of the Lloyd’s List’s Podcast will be broadcast throughout LISW23

The Lloyd’s List Podcast, with support from Maritime London, will be broadcast daily during London International Shipping Week 2023, featuring a mix of daily highlights, together with guest interviews and insights from Lloyd’s List’s editorial team

LLOYD’S List has announced it will host a daily edition of its popular Lloyd’s List Podcast during London International Shipping Week (LISW23) in September.

Lloyd’s List editor Richard Meade says: “We’ve grown our podcast audience from zero in 2018 when we launched, to a regular audience of more than 4,000 listeners every week. We feel we owe it to our subscribers and the wider shipping industry to use the podcast to showcase the best of LISW23’s activities.”

Each podcast during LISW23 will include a mix of daily highlights, together with guest interviews and insights from Lloyd’s List’s editorial team covering the week.

Maritime London, the industry-led body representing maritime professional services in the UK — and of which Lloyd’s List is a member — will support the daily podcasts during LISW23.

Maritime London chief executive Jos Standerwick says: “It is great news that Lloyd’s List has committed to a dedicated daily podcast during this year’s LISW. I look forward to working with Richard and the team to ensure we capture the very best of the action during week.”

“As an official media partner of London International Shipping Week, Lloyd’s List wants to use its unique position in the industry as the world’s oldest shipping news publisher to give a relevant and intelligent perspective to the week’s events for our audience,” Mr Meade said.

The first of the daily Lloyd’s List Podcast series for LISW23 will be broadcast and published on September 11, the first day of the week’s activities.

In addition to the daily podcast, the Lloyd’s List Intelligence team of reporters and analysts will provide extensive written coverage and scrutiny of the key announcements and developments during LISW23.

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