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Why safety trumps everything else on shipping’s agenda

Have the safety implications of the zero carbon challenges ahead been sufficiently embedded in industry thinking to date and does the speed of change required present a challenge for classification societies?



MOVING to a multi-fuel future with multiple fuel infrastructures and supply chains is going to require a wholesale reappraisal of risk and safety standards across various industries, and that is before we even start thinking about the training implications at sea and on land. But has that been the priority in the race to decarbonise?

From the toxicity of ammonia to flammability of hydrogen, the future of shipping is riddled with safety standards yet to be written.

In this podcast, brought to you in association with Bureau Veritas, Lloyd’s List editor Richard Meade talks to BV’s Marine & Offshore group president Matthieu de Tugny about why the shipping industry needs to rethink so many aspects of safety as part of the decarbonisation and digitalisation revolution.

“A safe zero-carbon future will be about much, much more than fuels and propulsion — we will see new cargoes, new trade routes, and a greater focus on systems,” explains Mr De Tugny.

“But this will be combined with demand for new skills and seafarers must be part of the design process in order to mitigate risk.”

In this podcast Mr De Tugny discusses:

  • Why class must play a vital role in building trust between existing and new stakeholders to ensure that new systems, fuels and infrastructures will work safely;

  • Whether there is there a danger that a tiered approach to safety and standards is evolving in a fragmented shipping industry;

  • How to create a multi-fuel future that sustains quality and safety standards across all ports;

  • The challenges ahead in upskilling and recruiting a new generation of marine professionals.





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