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The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Top 10 for 2022

Podcasts on Ukraine, decarbonisation, digitalisation, maritime safety and sanctions compliance were among the most listened to this year

It was a record-breaking year for the Lloyd’s List Podcast with more people around the world than ever before listening to top interviews with industry leaders, in-depth insight and expert analysis on the key topics shaping the maritime industry. This is the Top 10 for the past 12 months

THE Lloyd’s List Podcast continues to go from strength to strength with more listeners in more countries around the world in 2022 than ever before.

A quick look at our annual Top 10 list shows just why it has become such a staple part of so many people’s weekly news digest, with the impact of the Ukraine war, decarbonisation of the shipping industry, digitalisation and sanctions compliance all featuring.

Thank you to everyone who has hit play this year and we will be back in January.

You can access all of our previous editions in the Regulars > Podcasts section on the top menu bar or subscribe for your weekly listen via your usual podcast platform.


The Top 10 for 2022 based on total listens:

1. The implications of unplugging Russia from the global economy (March 2022)

Amid the chaos, sanctions and global trade disruption, the long-term implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are starting to become clearer and the conclusions for seaborne trade are inevitably complicated



2. War in Ukraine shocks shipping (March 2022)

As shipping markets adapt to the new realities of global trade in an era of high-risk economic warfare, analysts from across the Lloyd’s List and Lloyd’s List Intelligence team assess the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the impact on global shipping markets and businesses



3. How to navigate sanctions risk (May 2022)

The landscape of sanctions and political risk has made the business of shipping significantly more complex, but not everyone is set up to deal with that complexity



4. The challenges shaping shipping according to MSC chief Søren Toft (December 2022)

Søren Toft, chief executive of Mediterranean Shipping Co, the world’s largest container line operator, talks to Lloyd’s List editor Richard Meade about the challenges facing shipping and where he sees the industry heading



5. Shipping’s zero conversation needs to be much wider (October 2022)

The future fuels conversation is not simply a shipping issue. Energy producers won’t invest without offtakers and shipowners don’t know where to invest if they can’t be sure of fuel supplies. A wider conversation is required



6. The cyber threat to maritime and the insurance industry’s response (March 2022)

There is a disconnect between the increasing risk to maritime businesses posed by cyber attacks and the defences being erected in response



7. Why does Biden want to punch shipping CEOs? (June 2022)

US President Joe Biden claimed to be ‘viscerally angry’ about the container lines he blames for inflation, soaring freight rates, supply chain congestion and much in-between



8. How to de-risk the future of shipping (October 2022)

Shipping is not quite at the tipping point where innovation will accelerate across the industry, but the digital revolution is creating a tiered market of haves and have nots and carbon regulation is changing the dynamics



9. Has shipping become complacent when it comes to safety? (February 2022)

Maritime safety has plateaued. The overall number of incidents and fatalities has stagnated, with little improvement in recent years. So while we can argue that safety standards have never been better, we should also point that there is still a lot of room for improvement


10. Søren Skou reflects on a life in shipping (December 2022)

Maersk’s chief executive Søren Skou joins the Lloyd’s List Podcast for his exit interview. After six years transforming the company amid some turbulent times, he is ready to hand over the reins to Vincent Clerc, with no regrets and a lot of optimism for the future



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