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Webinar tackles shipping's skills battleground

The industry’s push for sustainability will be held back if the right people with the right skills are not on board. Finding, keeping, and growing shipping’s human resources will be critical to decarbonisation

How can shipping attract skills from outside the industry? Should we expect our employees to stay for the rest of their careers? How can we train our people for skills that have not yet been identified?

THE future of shipping depends less on green fuels and data than on the talent, skills, attitude, and vision of its human resources.

Understanding the power of people is the focus of possibly the most important webinar hosted by Lloyd’s List for a long time.

People skills matter today more than at any time in the past, and they will be critical to success in the future.

Not the number of people — nobody really cares whether your organisation has 40 or 40,000 employees — but whether or not those employees have the skills and the agility necessary to stay on board in what promises to be a decade or two of uncertainty.

Shipping’s talent lies both at sea and ashore.

There is plenty of angst about maintaining the seafarer workforce as the ravages of Covid-19 continue.

However, we must not forget there is an army of talented people working in operations centres, in port agencies and finance departments, in crew travel and marine equipment and across the many professional services that support a global industry.

The skills required by every one of these businesses are undergoing a profound transformation.

This transformation comes at a time of fierce competition for talent across the transport sector, in the energy sector, in software houses around the world, and in corporate leadership. People matter at every level of activity.

Shipping is competing head-to-head for talent against some of the world’s most attractive companies.

How will we recruit the next generation of skills to our industry? How will we retain the skills we have within our businesses, repurposing them to suit the needs of the future? How will we train our people for skills that haven’t yet been identified?

Join Lloyd’s List Chief Correspondent Richard Clayton for the People Power webinar on Thursday, February 3 at 0900 hrs GMT.

Industry expert speakers are Clare Pike, VP Human Resources and CSR at Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore; Annelise Goldstein, Chief Human Resources Officer at Maersk Tankers; and Raal Harris, Chief Creative Officer at Ocean Technologies Group.

It is often said that people are known by the company they keep, but it’s more accurate to say that companies are known by the people they keep.

Discover on this webinar how to find, keep, and grow the skills and talents the industry needs for future success.

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