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The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Oil spills and container losses

Listen to the latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s weekly podcast — your free weekly briefing on the stories shaping shipping

ITOPF managing director Dr Karen Purnell joins the Lloyd’s List Sustainability Editor Anastassios Adamopoulos to explain why oil spills from tankers have declined so much and what impact all those containers that are lost at sea could really have


OIL spills from tankers have decreased dramatically over past few decades, as the industry has actively sought to improve what had been a very poor track record marred by devastating tanker spills especially before the year 2000.

And while big spills continue to happen, as the 2018 spill from the tanker Sanchi showed, the overall improvement in terms of sheer numbers has been stark.

ITOPF, a UK-based not-for profit organisation tasked with helping in spill responses and teaching others around the world how to do the same, recently reported that in 2020 oil spills form tankers remained at record lows.

ITOPF data shows that oil spill of 7 tonnes and above amounted to 1,000 tonnes in total last year.

This week we are talking to Dr Karen Purnell, managing director at ITOPF, about how the organisation works, how the coronavirus pandemic has affected its operations and the dangers that containers lost at sea pose.

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