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Lloyd’s List launches The Future of Shipping hub

Strategic planning for the global maritime supply chain in transition

Over the course of 2021 Lloyd’s List will host a series of live digital events, on-demand content and special reports examining the tipping points and dynamics that will shape the future of the global maritime sector from decarbonisation and sustainability, to digitalisation and innovation

THE shipping industry faces an unprecedented series of challenges and a future laden with increased uncertainty, complexity and risk.

Surviving the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic is only the beginning.

The business models that underpin shipping’s fragmented structure will need to adapt to a future requiring financial flexibility, transparency, a smarter approach to digital integration and, of course, enough foresight to survive the clean energy transition.

The industry’s reactive tendencies have tested business resilience and been found wanting. Now is the time for every maritime business to think, plan and to act strategically with a long-term vision.

Lloyd’s List’s Future of Shipping programme will gather industry leaders, policy-makers, investors, financiers and sector experts to offer a unique programme of informed analysis and intelligent debate that will build over the year into an industry playbook for a sustainable and profitable future.

Explore our newly launched Future of Shipping hub and register for the five webinars in the series. There will be a range of associated content including expert focus videos, articles, podcasts, special reports and more added as the year progresses.

Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are also available. If you would like to align your brand with our expert-led content, please get in touch


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