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Lloyd’s List aids the search for carbon clarity with Decarbonisation Survey

Initial results of the survey have been presented and discussed at the Lloyd’s List Outlook Forum

The direction of travel for shipping’s decarbonation trajectory has been set for some time now, but the devil in the detail is yet to reveal itself. A new regular survey launch by Lloyd’s List, in association with Lloyd’s Register, aims to chart shifting industry sentiment towards alternative fuels, financing and investment

DESPITE decarbonisation dominating industry debate, regulatory and market uncertainty is keeping a lid on newbuilding investments and slowing strategic planning.

To borrow a favorite phrase from former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, shipping’s zero carbon project is still riddled with too many ‘known unknowns’ — the factors we are certain will impact the outcome, we just don't yet know how much.

As part of a wider project to add some much-needed transparency to shipping market dynamics, Lloyd’s List has teamed up with classification society Lloyd’s Register to launch a regular Decarbonisation Survey.


“There are so many questions unanswered in this transition and so the power of a survey like this is in raising awareness and understanding the sentiment across the industry as it develops” - Lloyd’s Register Marine & Offshore Director Nick Brown


By charting the industry’s position on alternative fuels, investment and financing, the survey will start to reveal a uniquely independent view of the industry’s shift towards low- and zero-carbon fuels.

While the initial results are expected to add clarity regarding current industry thinking, the regular poll of industry decision makers will create a dynamic view of shifting sentiment and investment as owners and financiers move from fleet renewal favouring flexibility to strategic investments to fit a complex multi-fuel future.

Once combined with Lloyd’s List Intelligence’s long-term shipbuilding forecasts, the development of a decarbonisation index will offer an industry benchmark.

“There are so many questions unanswered in this transition and so the power of a survey like this is in raising awareness and understanding the sentiment across the industry as it develops,” said Lloyd’s Register Marine & Offshore Director Nick Brown.

The initial results of the survey have been presented and discussed at the Lloyd’s List Outlook Forum on December 1. A recording of the discussion is available via registration for the forum here.

The Lloyd’s List Decarbonisation Survey is live here:

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