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The Lloyd's List Podcast: Why environmental protection will trump trade

Listen to the latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s weekly podcast — your weekly briefing on the stories shaping shipping

Environmental protection is ultimately going to trump trade, according to our podcast guest this week — the IMO’s head of air pollution and energy efficiency, Edmund Hughes. Speaking to Lloyd’s List Editor Richard Meade and reporter Anastassios Adamopoulos in this week’s edition, he talks us through his confidence about 2020 implementation, the lessons learned in lowering sulphur that might help the decarbonisation debate, and the role of the IMO amid rapidly changing political dynamics 

WITH the 2020 sulphur cap just around the corner and crunch meetings to determine details around the 2050 decarbonisation strategy looming, the IMO’s head of air pollution and energy efficiency, Edmund Hughes has a hectic schedule ahead of him. But not so hectic he couldn’t find time to sit down with the Lloyd’s List Podcast to talk us through 2020, 2050 and the political challenges that IMO faces amid a rapidly changing set of macro dynamics.

You can listen to Mr Hughes talking to Lloyd’s List Editor Richard Meade and reporter Anastassios Adamopoulos in this week’s edition of the Podcast here, but you can also read a fuller interview with Mr Hughes here.

Enjoy the podcast and don’t forget, you can now subscribe to the Lloyd’s List Podcast via iTunes and Spotify, as well as most other podcast providers. And make sure you are registered for a free account on Lloydslist.com so you can receive our Daily Briefing e-mail.

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